Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Social Enterprise

13 stories

Black background with white text reading “Do Something Great”
Little green plant next to black and white sign which reads “Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations”
A relaxed meeting with five people sitting on comfortable chairs and on a sofa with post it notes on the wall
Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Lifelong learning

28 stories

Little green plant next to black and white sign which reads “Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations”
A golden field of wheat ears with trees on the horizon
A man typing into a computer at a desk
Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Swimming articles

11 stories

Sea fog on the water
Neil Mapes the author in a bright orange swim coach t shrt
Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Mental Health articles

8 stories

A blue question mark on a faded pink background
Large printed word in capitals reading FORGET
Crosses and tombstones with mountains beyond and low light create shadows on the grass of the cemetery in a wild Scotland landscape
Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Running articles

23 stories

A runner in a pair of shorts running beside a long straight road
Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Travel writing

12 stories

Bird in flight with wings outstretched with mountains behind
A church steeple infront of a large, slightly snow capped, mountain in Peru
Neil Mapes

Neil Mapes

Outdoor swimming coach, trail runner and dinghy sailor. Loving life in the Highlands of Scotland.